Hello, this is my graphic design portfolio. I create publications, visual identities, websites and books for art, culture and commerce. I look for simple, precise and evergreen solutions. 

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Paweł Kłudkiewicz, 1978/ Warsaw. A designer, a graphic and an author; A graduate of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology.

• “Hoża, moja ulica/ Hoża, my street”, 100 pages, Warsaw, 2022; ISBN 978-83-963123-0-3. Illustrated reportage about Warsaw. Text, illustrations & design
• “Roboty” Warsaw, 2016; 14 hard pages, ISBN 978-83-62965-38-0. A picture book for toddlers. Concept, illustrations & design
• “Miś Misza. Oxygenesiss” , 48 pages, Warsaw, 2010; ISBN 978-83-237-4608-9. A cyber-punk graphic novel. Text & illustrations
• “Porwanie w Titiulistanie” by Wojciech Żukrowski Warsaw, 2010; ISBN 978-83-931-8050-9. Illustrations for the classic Polish children’s novel from 1946; a book from the IBBY list. Illustrations & design

Project Of The Year, STGU 2023; Award in the Social Impact category for the book-project "Hoża, moja ulica / my street" awarded by STGU (Polish graphic arts association)
Project Of The Year, STGU 2013
Incjatywa społeczna 2012
Dyplom 2005

Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, Copernicus Science Centre, National Library of Poland, Capital City of Warsaw, “Architektura Murator” monthly, Egmont, Babaryba, Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, Lampa i Iskra Boża

2014-2016 Local Spatial Management Plan: What is it all about? A co-designer and co-author of a project about urban planning in Warsaw. The most important information presented in a simple and user-friendly manner, with the use of a mobile information pavilion and publications.
2013 Landscape is a Public Good, Architektura Murator and the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland. The designer of an exhibition of architecture.
2013 Muranów Housing Estate-Monument, “Odblokuj” Association. A co-designer of an art installation and exhibition of architecture devoted to the Muranów housing estate.
2012 M4 Rakowiec, “Odblokuj” Association. A co-designer of an artistic installation and exhibition of architecture devoted to the Rakowiec housing estate.
2012 The Yellow Line, “Odblokuj” Association. A co-designer of an exhibition reviewing examples of urban activism in Europe.
2011 M3, “Odblokuj” Association. A co-designer of an artistic installation and exhibition of architecture devoted to the Służew housing estate.

• Andrzej Szczerski, Cztery nowoczesności – teksty o sztuce i architekturze polskiej XX wieku /Four Modernities: Essays about Polish 20th-century Art and Architecture, p. 220, Kraków 2015, DodoEditor ISBN: 978-83-62972-13-5.
• SYNCHRONIZACJA: Chwała miasta / SYNCHRONICITY: The Glory of the City, p. XXXVI, Warsaw 2012, Bęc Zmiana, ISBN: 978-83-62418-21-3.
• ARCHITEKTURA XXI wieku: Coś, które nadchodzi / THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE 21ST CENTURY: That Something on the Horizon, p. 120, Warsaw 2011, Bęc Zmiana, ISBN: 978-83-624118-12-1.
• Print Control No. 2, Best Printed Matter from Poland, p. 122, Warsaw 2011, Print Control, ISBN: 978-83-934919-1-9.